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Who does not know this one drink? Almost all people would know tea Philippines. In addition to a delicious taste, diligent drinking tea is also beneficial for the body. Tea contains many antioxidant polyphenols called catechins, which works to prevent cancer. Recent studies have even shown that drinking tea is also beneficial for the heart. So what are the other benefits of tea?

As quoted from huffingtonpost, following 7 benefits of tea is very good for the body.


1. Preventing heart disease
Western Diary of Medical Diet published a study that showed that drinking three cups of tea a day or more beneficial to prevent the body from heart attacks. This is because tea has a lot of antioxidants in it. In addition, research is also supported by a study from the University or Medical College of Baltimore showing that green tea and black tea has the effect of preventing atherosclerosis (inflammation of blood vessels).

only two. Lowering blood pressure
The benefits of tea this one is needed for people with diabetes. A study of Microfiche of Internal Medication, reported that regular black tea every day beneficial for lowering blood pressure for people with high blood pressure. The research was conducted by dividing the participants into two groups. The first group drank black tea regularly 3x a day, then the second group drank caffeine drink that tastes like tea. After 6 months, showed that the first group had blood pressure is much lower than the second group.

3. Strengthens the immune system
Based on research from the Linus Pauling initiate, drinking tea (especially green tea), can stimulate cell growth regulator Capital t. These cells have a key role in strengthening the immune system.

four. Shrink tumors
A trial conducted in Scotland, found that the content of flavonoids in green tea, namely EGCG, can shrink the tumor. "Green tea extract was able to shrink the various types of tumors every day, even in some cases the compound may remove the tumor completely, inches Medical professional said. Christine Dufes of Strathclyde initiate of Pharmacy in addition to Biomedical Sciences.

5. Reduce dehydration
Most people assume that drinking caffeinated drinks can cause dehydration. But the report from the Western Diary of Medical Diet suggests that drinking tea and coffee still has a working fluid hydration or function eliminates thirst.

6. Treating prostate cancer
Research conducted by the University or college of Missouri discovered a combination of green tea and a gold useful for tumor cells against prostate cancer. Green tea compound serves as a 'feeder' carrying radioactive gold nanoparticles that enter the body. The gold was then able to kill cancer cells. The study, published Actions from the Nationwide Academy of Sciences shows that the method of green tea and tea gold is able to reduce the size of tumors in mice up to eighty percent.

7. Lose weight
Drinking five cups of green tea per day was able to reduce the amount of fat, especially abdominal fat. Diary of a statement published by the Diet.


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