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Benefits of Star Fruit Sweet

Small trees, up to 10 m with a trunk that is not so great and has a diameter of only about 30 cm. Planted as a fruit tree, sometimes growing wild and are found from the lowlands to 500 m dpi. Tree from tropical America where it wants to grow is not shaded and moist enough. Carambola wuiuh has rough stems berbenjol-bumps, branching slightly, leaning over him. Haired young branches smooth as velvet, the color brown. Leaves odd pinnate compound leaf form with 21-45 pairs of leaflets. Children short-stemmed leaves, oblong rounded shape teiur up, pointed tip, base rounded, flat edge, 2-10 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, green color, light green lower surface. Inflorescence a panicle, berkelornpok, out of the trunk or large branches, small bungs star shaped reddish purple color. The fruit buni, rounded shape faceted oval, 4 to 6.5 ern long, yellowish-green color, when ripe juicy, sour taste. Seeds ovoid shape, flattened. Taste sour fruit, used as a refresher syrup, flavoring dishes, clean the stains on the cloth, polish items made of brass, cleaning dirty hands or as a traditional medicine. Propagation by seed and graft.
For Diabetes Mellitus, Cholesterol, Hypertension;
Utilization PART USED: Leaves, flowers, fruit.PURPOSE:Interest:- Cough.- Sprue (stomatitis)Leaves:- Stomach pain. Mumps (parotitis).- Rheumatism.Fruit:- Whooping cough.- Bleeding gums, canker sores.- Sick of cavities.- Acne. Phlegm.- High blood pressure.- Paralysis.- Improve digestive function.- Inflammation of the rectum.USAGE:To drink: See recipe.Pamakaian outside: Leaves taste after finely milled washed up like mush, used sebagal poultice (local usage) in mumps, Rheumatism, acne, tinea versicolor.HOW TO USE:1. Pagel rheumatic pain:1 handful of leaves wuiuh young starfruit, 10 clove seeds,15 seeds pepper, finely ground then add vinegar to taste.Lumurkan place of the sick.2. Mumps:10 young twigs following wuiuh starfruit leaves and 4 onionsred after washed and finely ground. Apply to the placethe sick.3. Cough in children.Handful wuiuh starfruit flower, a few grains of anise, sugartaste and 1 cup water, steamed for several hours. Aftercold filtered with a piece of cloth, divided for 2 times drinks,morning and evening empty stomach.4. Cough:25 flowers starfruit, 1 finger rhizome Intersection bells, 1 fingercinnamon bark, 1 finger rhizome kencur, 2 red onions, 1/4handheld gotu kola, 1/4 handful sage leaves, 1/4 handheld leafinggu, 1/4 handheld leaf spoon, washed and cut into piecesnecessary, boiled with 5 cups water until remaining 2 1/4glass. After chilling filtered, drink with honey as necessary.3 times a day 3/4 cup.5. Whooping Cough:a. 10 star fruit. starfruit washed and ground smooth,kneaded with 2 tablespoons of salt water, then filtered. Drinking,do 2 times a day.b. Star fruit wuiuh made sweets, eat 3 times a day 6-8 pieces.6. Rheumatism:a. 100 gr of young leaves starfruit, 10 clove seeds and 15 seedswashed and finely ground pepper, add vinegar to tasteuntil it becomes dough like mush. Spread batter slurry wasthe place of the sick.b. 5 pieces starfruit, 8 leaves kantil (Michelia champacaL.) seeds 15 cloves, 15 grains of black pepper, washed and poundedsmooth, kneaded with 2 tablespoons lime juice and1 tablespoon eucalyptus oil. Used to ruband massaging parts of the body. Do it 2-3 times a day.7. Thrush:a. Segenggarn flowers starfruit, sugar to taste and1 cup boiling water until thickened. After chilling filtered,used to clean and lubricate the mouth ulcers.b. 2/3 handheld wuiuh starfruit flowers, washed and boiled with3 cups water until remaining 2 1/4 cups. After the coldfiltered and drunk, 3 times a day 3/4 cup.c. 3 wuitjh star fruit, red onion 3 eggs, 1 nutmegyoung leaves 10 sprue, 3/4 teaspoon fennel, 3/4 fingerspulosari, washed and finely ground, kneaded with 3 tablespoonseating coconut oil, squeezed and filtered. Used forgreasing the wounds caused by canker sores, 6-7 times a day.8. Acne:a. Fruit starfruit sufficiently washed and finely ground,kneaded with salt water as needed, to rub the facewith acne. Do it 3 times a day,b. 6 pieces starfruit and 1/2 teaspoon of powdered sulfur,finely ground and kneaded with 2 tablespoons lime juice.This herb is used to scrub and facial greaseacne. Do it 2-3 times a day.9. Panu:10 pieces starfruit washed and finely ground, add the limeBetel of tamarind seeds, kneaded until smooth. This herb is usedto rub the affected skin tinea versicolor. Apply 2 times a day.10. High blood pressure.a. 3 pieces starfruit washed and cut into pieces as needed,boiled in 3 cups water until remaining 1 glass. Aftercold filtered drinking after breakfast.b. 10 wuiuh star fruit, 1 finger turmeric, 1/4 handheldmeniran leaf, 3 finger gourd of water, 3 finger palm sugar, washed andcut into pieces as needed, and then boiled in 3 cups of waterclean up the remaining 2 1/4 cups. After chilling filtered, drink.Day 3 x 3/4 cups.11. Sprue intestine, bile sap a bit:The fruit is processed into jam, eat.12. Sick of cavities:Wuiuh 5 star fruit washed, ate with a little salt,Chewable place dental cavities.


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