fruit trees from Central America, grows wild in the forests, many planted in the garden and in the yard tananhnya layer loose and fertile, and not waterlogged. Although be fruitful in the lowlands, but the results will be satisfactory when planted at an altitude of 200-1000 m above sea level (asl), in the tropics of the many subtropical rainfall. Small trees, 3-10 m tall, riding roots, woody stems, round, dirty brown color, much branched, smooth-haired twigs. Single leaf, stemmed from 1.5 to 5 cm in length, dirty, crowded at the end of the branch is located, round egg shape elongated ellipsoid, thick as leather, tapered tip and base, flat edge is sometimes a bit rmenggulung up, reinforced rnenyirip, 10-20 cm long, 3-10 cm wide, young leaves reddish color and hair tightly, old leaf color is green and bare. The flowers are compound interest, androgynous, arranged in panicles that came out near the end of the branch, greenish yellow. The fruit buni, spherical or oval, 5-20 c...
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